Strona głównaUż. własny SITE MENUNew Human Study . .New Human Study finds that Aloe vera enhances bioavailability of vitamins B12 and C and ORAC among mature adults
New Human Study finds that Aloe vera enhances bioavailability of vitamins B12 and C and ORAC among mature adults
2007-08-02 - The International Aloe Science Council
Irving, TX – Aloe vera is a powerful complement to other supplements, enhancing their absorbance and effects, according to a recent bioavailability study . Both Aloe vera gel and whole leaf Aloe were tested in the randomized cross-over trial, with the gel demonstrating the strongest results in promoting the absorbance of vitamins C and B12. It only took one ounce of Aloe to have substantial effects in enhancing the absorption of a 500mg dose of vitamin C and 1mg dose of B12.
Aloe prolonged plasma levels of those vitamins, stretching the beneficial effects out over a greater length of time when compared to the placebo. Aloe vera also promoted a significant increase in the antioxidant potential of the plasma, with ORAC ratings particularly high after 4 hours and remaining high even after 24 hours. Presenting the research, Dr. Sridevi Devaraj, Associate Professor at UC Davis, Laboratory for Atherosclerosis and Metabolic Research commented, “It’s clear that consuming Aloe vera along with vitamin supplements would be beneficial especially among populations for whom B12 deficiency is an issue, such as the elderly.” Based on this study’s results, Aloe vera may be considered as an effective approach to getting the most out of any vitamin supplement program.
The UC Davis study was presented at the Experimental Biology Convention in Washington DC in April of this year and has renewed dialogue about Aloe within the natural products community. “There are so many surprising benefits of Aloe vera,” said Mr. Gene Hale, Executive Director of the International Aloe Science Council (IASC). “We hope this opens up new product ideas for beverage, food and supplement manufacturers and gets into consumers’ hands. The positive effects are boundless for anyone who takes nutritional products.”
The recent UC Davis study was supported by the IASC ( and The Aloe Institute (, hoping to build on previous research at the University of Scranton that had looked at Aloe’s ability to enhance the bioavailability of Vitamin C and E. Especially remarkable because of the finding that Aloe vera enhanced the absorption of both fat and water-soluble compounds, the Scranton study had concluded, “Aloe vera is unique in its ability to improve the absorption of both these vitamins and should be considered as an adjunct for people who take vitamin supplements.” The UC Davis study strongly confirms this assertion.
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The International Aloe Science Council is a non-profit trade organization for the Aloe Vera Industry world-wide. Its membership includes Aloe growers, processors, finished goods manufacturers, marketing companies, insurance companies, equipment suppliers, printers, sales organizations, physicians, scientists and researchers. The common bond between this diverse group of individuals and companies is an interest in promoting Aloe Vera and its use in skin care products, beverages, pharmaceuticals and a wide variety of other products.
2 Vinson, J.A., Al Kharrat, H. & Andreoli, L. Effect of Aloe vera preparations on the human bioavailability of Vitamins C and E. Phytomedicine. 2005; 12: 760-765.
czytano: 4580 razy
data dodania: 2008-05-24 17:22:39
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